Data package ============ The *Friendly data* format [#]_ has been designed to facilitate interoperability in a diverse ecosystem by prioritising ease of sharing. A data package includes several datasets, and a description of the datasets that includes metadata and structural information (also known as *schema*). The *metadata* of a dataset typically establishes the context for the dataset. It can consist of properties like: - a computer program friendly name so that they can be referred to easily from software, - a title and free-form description so that other researchers using the dataset are aware of its provenance and can use it correctly, - search keywords for easier discoverability on online platforms, - license information so that others know the terms of use, and - citation information. And *structural information* (or *schema*) includes type information of columns in a dataset, states any constraints, and assumptions implicit in the data. A data package is a collection of datasets, any related source code, relevant licenses, and a ``datapackage.json`` file that records all the metadata. This is based on the widely recognised *frictionless* standard; further details can be found on the `frictionless documentation`_ page. .. figure:: _static/images/friendly_data_schematic_alt_2.png :width: 90% :align: center A typical data package consists of a collection of datasets, e.g. CSV files, and related metadata in the ``datapackage.json`` files. There are two kinds of metadata: a) package wide semantic information providing context, terms of use, etc, and b) structural information (or schema), e.g. column names and types. The figure above is a graphical depiction of a data package. The three tables are three separate datasets stored in CSV files. And the metadata in the accompanying ``datapackage.json`` file include semantic metadata like name, title, description, license, keywords, etc, and schema of all the columns present in the CSV files; e.g. here you can see ``region``, ``technology``, are strings, but ``energy_eff`` is a number. Each dataset has an entry in the metadata file, which states its name, relative path, and structure (or *schema*) of the table. Structural information includes column names, the type of data stored in each column (number, integer, string, etc), instructions on how to identify missing values, or how to uniquely identify each row in a dataset (otherwise known as the "primary key"). Comprehensive documentation of all possibilities can be found in the `table schema`_ section of the frictionless documentation [#]_. Creating a data package manually can be tedious, so the developers of the *frictionless* specification maintain a `web-based user interface`_ (web UI). While it can be used for smaller or simpler data packages, it is not aware of any energy modelling specific terminology or conventions. The web UI is meant to be easy to use, and requires no knowledge of programming. Friendly data conforms to this specification, however it adds a few energy modelling specific conventions designed to facilitate interoperation between various models. You can either use the command line interface (CLI) or the Python API to create or manage Friendly data packages. While the underlying Frictionless specification provides alternate implementations of the data package format in other programming languages, Friendly data is only available in Python. However, since the underlying design uses established file formats, e.g. using *JSON* for metadata, and *CSV* for dataset; there is no barrier to reading a data package in other languages. .. [#] We use the term "data format" to refer to the general structure of the data and its metadata, instead of a specific file type like *CSV*, *Excel*, etc. .. [#] In the frictionless documentation, datasets are often referred as *data resources* as that is a more generic synonym. .. _`frictionless documentation`: .. _`table schema`: .. _`web-based user interface`: