The configuration file
The config file used by the Friendly data CLI is a standard YAML file, with the following top-level keys.
metadata (mapping or dictionary)
This section should include the metadata of the data package. Some attributes are mandatory (mentioned below), some optional attributes are also included below, however for a comprehensive list see the upstream documentation for frictionless.
name (string, mandatory)
A short, unique name, with no spaces or special characters that is URL friendly. Once a data package is published, this name should not change even when you are releasing a new version.
licenses (list of strings, mandatory)
A list of licenses that apply to your data package. Valid license names can be found using the CLI by running the command
friendly_data list-licenses
. Theid
field is what you should use. This makes sure other relevant metadata related to the license is pulled in (e.g a URL) and included in the data package. In case only one license applies to you, you can provide a single string, which will be converted to a list with a single entry when reading the config file.metadata: licenses: [CC0-1.0]keywords (list of strings)
A list of keywords to describe the data package
metadata: keywords: - energy system design - europe - sentineldescription (string)
A human readable, free text, long description.
indices (mapping or dictionary)
This section defines different indices required for converting a data package to IAMC format. There are two kinds of index columns in the context of converting to IAMC format: columns that are mandatory, and columns that are user defined whose values are substituted in the IAMC variable format string.
This section should be mapping, where each key is one of these index columns. However, for the mandatory IAMC columns, the value represents a default in case that particular column is missing in a dataset, whereas for user defined index columns, it should point to a CSV file that defines the different levels (or values), and their corresponding IAMC name.
indices: technology: technology.csv model: calliope scenario: diag-npi year: 2030In the above example, the mandatory IAMC columns model, scenario, and year are set to the specified defaults. On the other hand, the technology column is associated to a CSV files (shown below).
Technology definitions and their IAMC names name
This file should have two columns, the first column called name should have list the different levels that are present in the datasets. It’s not necessary that all datasets have all levels, this should be a union of all levels for all datasets in the data package. The second column should be called iamc and it defines the IAMC names that is used when the values are substituted in the IAMC variable format string.
registry (mapping or dictionary)
Custom additions/update to the default registry. It could look something like this:
registry: idxcols: - name: enduse type: string constraints: enum: - cooling - heating - hot_water cols: - name: capacity_factor type: number constraints: maximum: 100