Source code for friendly_data.converters

"""Functions useful to read a data package resource into common analysis
frameworks like ``pandas``, ``xarray``, etc.  Currently supported:

=============================  ======================================
   Library                        Data Structure
=============================  ======================================
 ``pandas``                     :class:``pandas.DataFrame``
 ``xarray`` (via ``pandas``)    :class:``xarray.DataArray``,
                                multi-file :class:``xarray.Dataset``
=============================  ======================================

Type mapping between the frictionless specification and pandas types:

=============  =================
 schema type    ``pandas`` type
=============  =================
``boolean``     ``bool``
``datetime``    ``datetime64``
``integer``     ``Int64``
``number``      ``float``
``string``      ``string``
=============  =================


from logging import getLogger, warn
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, cast, Dict, Hashable, Iterable, List, Tuple, Union

from frictionless import Resource
from glom import glom, Iter, T
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from friendly_data._types import _path_t, _dfseries_t
from friendly_data.dpkg import resource_
from friendly_data.dpkg import fullpath
from friendly_data.dpkg import get_aliased_cols
from friendly_data.dpkg import index_levels
from friendly_data.helpers import consume
from friendly_data.helpers import import_from
from friendly_data.helpers import noop_map
from friendly_data.helpers import sanitise

logger = getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: compressed files
_pd_types = {
    "boolean": "bool",
    "date": "datetime64",
    "time": "datetime64",
    "datetime": "datetime64",
    "year": "Int64",
    "yearmonth": "datetime64",
    "integer": "Int64",
    "number": "float",
    "string": "string",
_pd_readers = {
    "csv": "read_csv",
    "xls": "read_excel",
    "xlsx": "read_excel",
    # "sqlite": "read_sql",

def _source_type(source: _path_t) -> str:
    """From a file path, deduce the file type from the extension

    Note: the extension is checked against the list of supported file types

    # FIXME: use file magic
    source_t = Path(source).suffix.strip(".").lower()
    if source_t not in _pd_readers:
        raise ValueError(f"unsupported source: {source}")
    return source_t

def _reader(fpath, **kwargs) -> _dfseries_t:
    reader = cast(Callable, import_from("pandas", _pd_readers[_source_type(fpath)]))
    return reader(fpath, **kwargs)

def _schema(resource: Resource, type_map: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Parse a Resource schema and return types mapped to each column.

    resource : frictionless.Resource
        A resource descriptor
    type_map : Dict[str, str]
        A dictionary that maps datapackage type names to pandas types.

    Dict[str, str]
        Dictionary with column names as key, and types as values

    remap_types = lambda t: (t["name"], type_map[t["type"]])  # noqa: E731
    return glom(resource, ("schema.fields", [remap_types], dict))

[docs]def to_df(resource: Resource, noexcept: bool = False, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Reads a data package resource as a `pandas.DataFrame` FIXME: 'format' in the schema is ignored. Parameters ---------- resource : frictionless.Resource A data package resource object noexcept : bool (default: False) Whether to suppress an exception **kwargs Additional keyword arguments that are passed on to the reader: :func:`pandas.read_csv`, :func:`pandas.read_excel`, etc Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame NOTE: when ``noexcept`` is ``True``, and there's an exception, an empty dataframe is returned Raises ------ ValueError If the resource is not local If the source type the resource is pointing to isn't supported """ from pandas._libs.parsers import STR_NA_VALUES # parse dates schema = _schema(resource, _pd_types) date_cols = [col for col, col_t in schema.items() if "datetime64" in col_t] consume(map(schema.pop, date_cols)) # missing values, NOTE: pandas accepts a list of "additional" tokens to be # treated as missing values. na_values = ( glom(resource, ("schema.missingValues", set), default=set()) - STR_NA_VALUES ) # FIXME: check if empty set is the same as None # FIXME: how to handle constraints? e.g. 'required', 'unique', 'enum', etc # see: # set 'primaryKey' as index_col, a list is interpreted as a MultiIndex index_col = glom(resource, ("schema.primaryKey"), default=False) if isinstance(index_col, list): # guard against schema, that includes an index column [schema.pop(col) for col in index_col if col in schema] # FIXME: skip_rows is 1-indexed, whereas skiprows is either an offset or # 0-indexed (see FIXME in `resource_`) skiprows = glom(resource, ("layout.skipRows", len), default=None) # don't let the user override the options we use [ kwargs.pop(k, None) for k in ("dtype", "na_values", "index_col", "parse_dates", "skiprows") ] alias = glom( resource, ( "schema.fields", Iter() .filter(lambda i: "alias" in i) .map(({1: "name", 2: "alias"}, T.values())) .all(), noop_map, ), ) try: # FIXME: validate options df = _reader( fullpath(resource), dtype=schema, na_values=na_values, index_col=index_col, parse_dates=date_cols, skiprows=skiprows, **kwargs, ).rename(columns=alias) except ValueError: if noexcept: return pd.DataFrame() else: raise else: if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex): df.index.names = [alias[n] for n in df.index.names] else: = alias[] return df
[docs]def xr_metadata(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict, Dict]: """Extract metadata to create xarray data array/datasets All indices except unit is extracted as coordinates, and "unit" is extracted as metadata attribute. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Returns ------- Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, Dict, Dict] The dataframe with units removed, dictionary of coordinates, dictionary with constant attributes like units """ const = ["unit"] # remove if you need multiple unit support for one table if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex): names = df.index.names levels = df.index.levels else: names = [] levels = [df.index] coords = {name: lvls for name, lvls in zip(names, levels) if name not in const} attrs = {name: lvls[0] for name, lvls in zip(names, levels) if name in const} idx_aligned = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(coords.values()) if const[0] in df.index.names: # FIXME: resolve items in const set in index df = df.reset_index(const, drop=True) df = df.reindex(idx_aligned) return df, coords, attrs
[docs]def xr_da( df: pd.DataFrame, col: Union[int, Hashable], *, coords: Dict, attrs: Dict = {}, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Create an xarray data array from a data frame Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame col : Union[int, Hashable] Column to use to create the data array, either use the column number, or column name coords : Dict Dictionary of coordinate arrays attrs : Dict Dictionary of metadata attributes like unit Returns ------- xarray.DataArray """ indexer = getattr(df, "iloc" if isinstance(col, int) else "loc") arr = indexer[:, col].values if isinstance(arr, pd.api.extensions.ExtensionArray): arr = arr.to_numpy() data = arr.reshape(tuple(map(len, coords.values()))) return xr.DataArray( data=data, coords=coords, dims=coords.keys(), attrs=attrs, **kwargs )
[docs]def to_da(resource: Resource, noexcept: bool = False, **kwargs) -> xr.DataArray: """Reads a data package resource as an :class:`xarray.DataArray` This function is restricted to tables with only one value column (equivalent to a `pandas.Series`). All indices are treated as :class:`xarray.core.coordinates.DataArrayCoordinates` and dimensions. The array is reshaped to match the dimensions. Any unit index is extracted and attached as an attribute to the data array. It is assumed that the whole table uses the same unit. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to :class:`xarray.DataArray`. Parameters ---------- resource : frictionless.Resource List of data package resource objects noexcept : bool (default: False) Whether to suppress an exception **kwargs Additional keyword arguments that are passed on to :class:`xarray.DataArray` See Also -------- :func:`to_df` : see for details on ``noexcept`` """ df = to_df(resource, noexcept) if df.empty and noexcept: return xr.DataArray(data=None) df, coords, attrs = xr_metadata(df) if len(df.columns) > 1: raise ValueError(f"{df.columns}: only 1 column supported") return xr_da(df, 0, coords=coords, attrs=attrs, **kwargs)
[docs]def to_dst(resource: Resource, noexcept: bool = False, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset: """Reads a data package resource as an :class:`xarray.Dataset` Unlike :func:`to_da`, this function works for all tables. All indices are treated as :class:`xarray.core.coordinates.DataArrayCoordinates` and dimensions. The arrays is reshaped to match the dimensions. Any unit index is extracted and attached as an attribute to each data arrays. It is assumed that all columns in the whole table uses the same unit. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Parameters ---------- resource : frictionless.Resource List of data package resource objects noexcept : bool (default: False) Whether to suppress an exception **kwargs Additional keyword arguments that are passed on to :class:`xarray.Dataset` See Also -------- :func:`to_df` : see for details on ``noexcept`` """ df = to_df(resource, noexcept) if df.empty and noexcept: return xr.Dataset() df, coords, attrs = xr_metadata(df) data_vars = {col: xr_da(df, col, coords=coords, attrs=attrs) for col in df.columns} return xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, **kwargs)
[docs]def to_mfdst( resources: Iterable[Resource], noexcept: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> xr.Dataset: """Reads a list of data package resources as an :class:`xarray.Dataset` This function reads multiple resources/files and converts each column into a data array (identical to :func:`to_dst`), which are then combined into one :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Note that any value column that is present more than once in the data package is overwritten by the last one. If you want support for duplicates, you should use :func:`to_dst` and handle the duplicates yourself. Parameters ---------- resources : List[frictionless.Resource] List of data package resource objects noexcept : bool (default: False) Whether to suppress an exception **kwargs Additional keyword arguments that are passed on to :class:`xarray.Dataset` See Also -------- :func:`to_df` : see for details on ``noexcept`` """ data_vars: Dict[Hashable, xr.DataArray] = {} for res in resources: df = to_df(res, noexcept) if df.empty and noexcept: continue df, coords, attrs = xr_metadata(df) data_vars.update( (col, xr_da(df, col, coords=coords, attrs=attrs)) for col in df.columns ) return xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, **kwargs)
[docs]def resolve_aliases(df: _dfseries_t, alias: Dict[str, str]) -> _dfseries_t: """Return a copy of the dataframe with aliases resolved Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series alias : Dict[str, str] A dictionary of column aliases if the dataframe has custom column names that need to be mapped to columns in the registry. The key is the column name in the dataframe, and the value is a column in the registry. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Since the column and index levels are renamed, a copy is returned so that the original dataframe/series remains unaltered. """ # work w/ a copy, not very memory efficient _df = cast(_dfseries_t, df.rename(alias, axis=1)) # noop for pd.series _df.index = _df.index.rename(alias) return _df
[docs]def from_df( df: _dfseries_t, basepath: _path_t, datapath: _path_t = "", alias: Dict[str, str] = {}, rename: bool = True, ) -> Resource: """Write dataframe to a CSV file, and return a data package resource. NOTE: Do not call ``frictionless.Resource.infer()`` on the resource instance returned by this function, as that might overwrite our metadata/schema customisations with default heuristics in the ``frictionless`` implementation. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame | pd.Series Dataframe to write basepath : Union[str, Path] Path to the package directory datapath : Union[str, Path] (default: empty string) Path to the CSV file where the dataframe is written. If `datapath` is empty, a file name is generated by concatinating all the columns in the dataframe. alias : Dict[str, str] (default: {}) A dictionary of column aliases if the dataframe has custom column names that need to be mapped to columns in the registry. The key is the column name in the dataframe, and the value is a column in the registry. rename : bool (default: True) Rename aliased columns to match the registry when writing to the CSV. Returns ------- frictionless.Resource Data package resource that points to the CSV file. """ if not datapath: if isinstance(df, pd.Series): datapath = f"{}.csv" else: datapath = f"{'_'.join(sanitise(col) for col in df.columns)}.csv" fullpath = Path(basepath) / datapath # ensure parent directory exists fullpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _df = resolve_aliases(df, alias) if rename else df # don't write index if default/unnamed index defaultidx = ( False if isinstance(_df.index, pd.MultiIndex) else is None ) _df.to_csv(fullpath, index=not defaultidx) cols = [] if isinstance(_df, pd.Series) else _df.columns coldict = get_aliased_cols(cols, "cols", {} if rename else alias) if not defaultidx: idxcols = ( _df.index.names if isinstance(_df.index, pd.MultiIndex) else [] ) if None in idxcols: warn(f"index doesn't have valid names: {idxcols}") _, idxcoldict = index_levels(_df, idxcols, alias) else: idxcols = [] idxcoldict = {} spec = { "path": f"{datapath}", "schema": {"fields": {**idxcoldict, **coldict}}, } if not defaultidx: spec["schema"]["primaryKey"] = list(idxcols) # type: ignore[index] return resource_(spec, basepath=basepath)
[docs]def from_dst( dst: xr.Dataset, basepath: _path_t, alias: Dict[str, str] = {}, ) -> List[Resource]: """Write an ``xarray.Dataset`` into CSV files, and return the list resources Each data variable is written to a separate CSV file in the directory specified by `basepath`. The file name is derived from the data variable name by sanitising it and appending the CSV extension. Parameters ---------- dst : xr.Dataset Dataset to write basepath : Union[str, Path] Path to the package directory alias : Dict[str, str] A dictionary of column aliases if the dataset has custom data variable/coordinate names that need to be mapped to columns in the registry. Returns ------- List[Resource] List of data package resources that point to the CSV files. """ resources = [ from_df( da.to_dataframe().dropna(), basepath, datapath=f"{sanitise(var)}.csv", # type: ignore[arg-type] alias=alias, ) for var, da in dst.data_vars.items() ] return resources