Source code for

"""Functions useful for I/O and file manipulation


from hashlib import sha256
import json
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, overload, Tuple, Union

import requests
import yaml

from friendly_data._types import _path_t

[docs]def copy_files( src: Iterable[_path_t], dest: _path_t, anchor: _path_t = "" ) -> List[Path]: """Copy files to a directory Without an anchor, the source files are copied to the root of the destination directory; with an anchor, the relative paths between the source files are maintained; any required subdirectories are created. Parameters ---------- src : Iterable[Union[str, Path]] List of files to be copied dest : Union[str, Path] Destination directory anchor : Union[str, Path] (default: empty string) Top-level directory for anchoring, provide if you want the relative paths between the source files to be maintained with respect to this directory. Returns ------- List[Path] List of files that were copied """ dest = Path(dest) dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if anchor: anchor = Path(anchor) if not anchor.is_dir(): anchor = anchor.parent files = [] for fp in src: fp = Path(fp) files.append(dest / (fp.relative_to(anchor) if anchor else files[-1].parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy2(fp, files[-1].parent) return files
[docs]def relpaths(basepath: _path_t, pattern: Union[str, Iterable[_path_t]]) -> List[str]: """Convert a list of paths to relative paths Parameters ---------- basepath : Union[str, Path] Path to use as the reference when calculating relative paths pattern : Union[str, Iterable[Union[str, Path]]] Either a pattern relative to ``basepath`` to generate a list of paths, or a list of paths to convert. Returns ------- List[str] List of relative paths (as ``str``-s) """ if isinstance(pattern, str): basepath = Path(basepath) return [str(p.relative_to(basepath)) for p in basepath.glob(pattern)] else: # iterable of "paths" return [str(p.relative_to(basepath)) for p in map(Path, pattern)]
[docs]def outoftree_paths( basepath: _path_t, fpaths: Iterable[_path_t] ) -> Tuple[List[Path], List[Path]]: """Separate a list of paths into in tree and out of tree. Parameters ---------- basepath : Union[str, Path] Path to use as the reference when identifying in/out of tree paths. fpaths : Iterable[Union[str, Path]] List of paths. Returns ------- Tuple[List[str], List[Path]] A pair of list of in tree and out of tree paths """ intree, outoftree = [], [] for fp in map(Path, fpaths): # NOTE: cannot use fp.is_relative_to(basepath) for <Python 3.9 try: fp.relative_to(basepath) except ValueError: outoftree.append(fp) else: intree.append(fp) return intree, outoftree
[docs]def path_in(fpaths: Iterable[_path_t], testfile: _path_t) -> bool: """Function to test if a path is in a list of paths. The test checks if they are the same physical files or not, so the testfile needs to exist on disk. Parameters ---------- fpaths : Iterable[Union[str, Path]] List of paths to check testfile : Union[str, Path] Test file (must exist on disk) Returns ------- bool """ return any(map(Path(testfile).samefile, fpaths))
[docs]def path_not_in(fpaths: Iterable[_path_t], testfile: _path_t) -> bool: """Function to test if a path is absent from a list of paths. Opposite of :func:`path_in`. Parameters ---------- fpaths : Iterable[Union[str, Path]] List of paths to check testfile : Union[str, Path] Test file (must exist on disk) Returns ------- bool """ return not path_in(fpaths, testfile)
[docs]def posixpathstr(fpath: _path_t) -> str: """Given a path object, return a POSIX compatible path string Parameters ---------- fpath : Unioin[str, Path] Path object Returns ------- str """ return str(Path(fpath).as_posix())
@overload def dwim_file(fpath: _path_t) -> Union[Dict, List]: ... # pragma: no cover, overload @overload def dwim_file(fpath: _path_t, data: Any) -> None: ... # pragma: no cover, overload
[docs]def dwim_file(fpath, data=None): """Do What I Mean with file Depending on the function arguments, either read the contents of a file, or write data to the file. The file type is guessed from the extension; supported formats: JSON and YAML. Parameters ---------- fpath : Union[str, Path] File path to read or write to data : Union[None, Any] Data, when writing to a file. Returns ------- Union[None, Union[Dict, List]] - If writing to a file, nothing (``None``) is returned - If reading from a file, depending on the contents, either a list or dictionary are returned """ fpath = Path(fpath) mode = "r" if data is None else "w" if fpath.suffix in (".yaml", ".yml"): with open(fpath, mode=mode) as stream: if data is None: return yaml.safe_load(stream) else: yaml.safe_dump(data, stream) elif fpath.suffix == ".json": with open(fpath, mode=mode) as stream: if data is None: return json.load(stream) else: json.dump(data, stream, indent=2) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{fpath}: not a JSON or YAML file")
[docs]def get_cachedir() -> Path: """Create the directory ``$TMPDIR/friendly_data_cache`` and return the Path""" cachedir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "friendly_data_cache" cachedir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return cachedir
[docs]class HttpCache: """An HTTP cache It accepts a URL template which accepts parameters: ``{}.json``, the parameters can be provided later at fetch time. No checks are made if the number of parameters passed are compatible with the URL template. After fetching a resource, it is cached in a file under ``$TMPDIR/friendly_data_cache/``. The file name is of the form ``http-<checksum-of-url-template>-<checksum-of-url>``. The cache is updated every 24 hours. A user may also force a cache cleanup by calling :meth:`remove`. Parameters ---------- url_t : str URL template, e.g. ``{}.json`` Attributes ---------- cachedir : pathlib.Path Path object pointing to the cache directory """ cachedir: Path = get_cachedir() def __init__(self, url_t: str): self.url_t = url_t self.url_t_hex = sha256(bytes(url_t, "utf8")).hexdigest()
[docs] def cachefile(self, arg: str, *args: str) -> Tuple[Path, str]: """Return the cache file, and the corresponding URL Parameters ---------- arg : str parameters for the URL template (one mandatory) *args : str, optional more parameters (optional) Returns ------- Tuple[pathlib.Path, str] Tuple of Path object pointing to the cache file and the URL string """ url = self.url_t.format(arg, *args) url_hex = sha256(bytes(url, "utf8")).hexdigest() return ( self.cachedir / f"http-{self.url_t_hex}-{url_hex}", url, )
[docs] def remove(self, *args: str): """Remove cache files - Remove all files associated with this cache (w/o arguments). - Remove only the files associated with the URL formed from the args. Parameters ---------- *args : str, optional parameters for the URL template Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If an argument is provided to remove a specific cache file, but the cache file does not exist. """ if len(args): files = (i for i in [self.cachefile(*args)[0]]) else: files = self.cachedir.glob(f"http-{self.url_t_hex}-*") for cf in files: cf.unlink()
[docs] def get(self, arg: str, *args: str) -> bytes: """Get the URL contents If a valid cache exists, return the contents from there, otherwise fetch again. Parameters ---------- arg : str parameters for the URL template (one mandatory) *args : str, optional more parameters (optional) Returns ------- bytes bytes array of the contents Raises ------ ValueError If the URL is incorrect requests.ConnectionError If there is no network connection """ cachefile, url = self.cachefile(arg, *args) if not cachefile.exists() or ( time.time() - cachefile.stat().st_ctime > 24 * 3600 ): cachefile.write_bytes(self.fetch(url)) return cachefile.read_bytes()
[docs] def fetch(self, url: str) -> bytes: """Fetch the URL Parameters ---------- url : str URL to fetch Returns ------- bytes bytes array of the contents that was fetched Raises ------ ValueError If the URL is incorrect """ response = requests.get(url) if response.ok: return response.content else: raise ValueError(f"error: {response.url} responded {response.reason}")